
Krowetis is a Wickford private page.

It should be kept after the upgrade and will be useful as a record of significant things done and to be done on the site. It has the advantage of being accessible to all interested parties and is multi-user: anyone having a look will be told if there is anyone doing an edit.

THIS Site Work PAGE IS TO STAY AFTER THE UPGRADE – BUT THE HOMEPAGE LINK WILL BE REMOVED.  SO TO FIND IT AFTER LAUNCH YOU WILL NEED TO ENTER ITS INVERTED TITLE  Krowetis IN THE SEARCH WINDOW (all one word). Site map will still show Krowetis but I am recommending that Site map be unpinned from the bottom bar (done). It will still be available via the link immediately below which will remain here.

link to Site map

Bugs / Jobs / Notes                                                                        

BUG1: we have an intermittent bug – sometimes a navigation panel appears on the category listings and sometimes it doesn’t. Also a day ago the navigation panel became a white area. So to review … more than a few days ago 4 images per line, two days ago white panel noticed on the right and 3 images on the line, today a navigation panel and 3 images or 4 images and no navigation panel (will keep an eye on it!). One part of this bug is Bob Stephen himself – mistaking categories and sub categories (panel on one and no panel and the other). The other part (the white panel insead of a navigation panel) is something that hapened a few days ago at WIckford and Tilbury. Looked like the white panel in sub-naviagtion should have been the sub-category navigation panel. So … to summarise … sometimes a white panel replaces the right navigation panel in sub-categories (certainly the People sub-category, and this has also been seen on the Tilbury site)

BUG2: wickford had mobile display problems (checked Laindon and Tilbury and they are OK). The scrolling banner is truncated, quite badly. On the Category listings there are double text entries. Most of the category listings have no images, those that do have images have the default images and images that I had changed

BUG3-JOBDONE: in the header panel a list of very faint links has suddenly appeared. these are all over the header and are probably all clickable (yes, ive clicked on a couple and get sent somewhere). these should probably all be removed or be put somewhere more suitable). On the old site ‘Home’ was the only link on the panel background and it was hidden

BUG4: Have decided that Site map should now be unpinned from lower navigation panel. Ian, could you please do this. The problem is that there is too much technical exposure on the current map compared to the old one. However the Site map should be kept and I will confine it to this area which will be difficult for the gerneral public to get at after launch (link above, also a search on Home for Site map will bring it up amongst a couple of other hits)

BUG5: Comments are in latest last order which is inconvenient. Can the order be easily reversed or do we have to ask for a formal change. THIS IS IN EDIT VIEW ONLY. Normal ‘View Post’ view looks OK with latest comment at top.

BUG6: Maurice  mentioned that this page Krowetis was visible on general view (maybe in one of the right navigation panels) – have had a look and its published in a special high hidden category and the page is not on the new listings. category. Not much I can do more . If a problem in future suggest taking off page entirely and the category Wickford Site Work

BUG 7: In Featured Post there are now 0s on Featured Articles on Home Page even though there are 4. The problem is that the text that was originally under the articles has disappeared. I have Updated one article by viewing it instead of trying to click on the 0 which obviously doesn’t show anything. But view shows complete list. Bananas was OK until a week ago then lost text at bottom. It was then replaced following the same publication procedure and a 1 then appeared. However the corrupted post was still in the Featured list.  How now to delete the corrupted article (as there are now two bananas on the Home page )?  And also how to fix all the other numbers in Featured Articles that are wrong – only the number of Banners is OK – all the others are shown as 0.



**login for existing users needs sorting out and documenting so that people wanting to login are not frustrated. Bob Stephen has an contributor login on the site with username: bobstephen-contributor  and password:veryinsecurepassword. He will try the following: 1. Click Log-In (obviously when logged out). Enter bobstephen-contributor username and real password (just to check I’m on the site as a contributor), then go back and try same username and a new password, This will be the standard way in (email address is another). So do another test at the end with email address. The process will involve various screens and there will be a return email stage and a response email from CS (so bear in mind that you cannot easily follow this process on behalf of someone else – in that case use Users when logged in as a webmaster in Dashboard). As you go through take screen dumps of all screens and record anything else of relevance. Make up a Post. When all is done just check on the email way of re-registering. It should be the same, but if not produce documentation as it unrolls. Hope all goes OK

*JOB-PARTLYDONE*finish residual image placements (7). decide what to do about videos (probably throw). then clear tags and delete tagged area. Delete Keyword category when finished. Bob Plimmer would like his cricket article made to look very close to the old version, see  this link for example /content/training/sample-pages/sample-page-7-custom-layout for example by Jack. Also look at Custom Layouts, 9 in the handout ‘Creating a Post’. Click Posts/Keywords and then click on number for remaining placement items. First ‘snag’ found is to identify images – go down article and examine each image using its edit pencil -then record image name on a scrap of paper (eg scan21) which you then use to search the media library. Rest of edit should be straightforward – just follow written instructions. This procedure had to be revised, see Editing an article below

*JOB-PARTLYDONE*consider hiding ‘Site map’ now on bottom bar (move it here to this work post). The problem is that the ‘Site map’ shows things that might be unsuitable for a general user and, worse, they all come first on the map listing. The old site ‘Site map’ is more suitable for the general user as it doesn’t show technical stuff. However the map is very useful. I’ll put a link here on this page and ask CS to unpin it from the bottom bar. Check with Bob P first.

*JOB-DONE*Twitter and Facebook links – remove, Phil or CS to do this. Phil has done it

*JOB-DONE*prepare new scrolling banners (maybe 6). when in place wickford should add a little descriptive text to the accompanying pages and produce cryptic titles such as on the existing banners (click any banner image and then navigate to each banner page from hidden category – use edit pencil to get at each page, edit the titles and add body text. click update when finished). Process is to add new image page, then to remove existing image. Tried to insert 6 banners but only 5 of these scroll – so deleted the 6th banner page. I prepared about 10 in total and the iages are in the Media Library. Esch is about 50k, achieved by allying a 50 jpg compression. This gave images indistinguishable from those using 90 compression (I went from 10 to 90 in steps of 10 and above 30 there wal little change, so 50 gives a bit of leeway) (this might seem drastic but remember we are starting from decent images but not superb images). I have thought of a problem with thie system, which is noted on the first banner page – if pages are changed in order thats OK but some procedure is needed if images are changed on pages to prevent images and any comments on them getting separated (maybe best to disallow image changes)

*????*two layers of miniature icons have had their alignments checked and fixed where necessary. continue down the tree. might be better to use Site Map to see whats left. now that two layers have been done this is LOW PRIORITY. DO NOT CONTINUE WITH THIS JOB WHILE BMP MATTER IS BEING SORTED

*????*restructure menus so that there are 24 or less items on each.  i’ve had a look and this is a lot of work and Wickford need to take a view. this is LOW PRIORITY

*JOB- PARTLY DONE*consider replacing the Wickford default icon with a modified CS default – replacing the centre circle of the CS default for Wickford with a coloured one. Or just make a panel with a much smaller wheatsheaf inside. LOW PRIORITY

*JOB-DONE*replace featured subjects and featured articles using Bob Plimmer list, his email 20/11/17. All ‘Articles’ done. Waiting for a response from Bob about ‘Subject’s (wheher they should be categories or more articles as he has asked for)

*????*some articles with broken links couldn’t be fixed and links were replaced with bold text, have advised Maurice Wakeham. 1. All Aboard 2. Congregational Church 3. Religion in Wickford  : St Catherines Church and St Andrews Church (Maurice, the site search engine is a bit flaky and you may have to be inventive using it to get to the articles – but you probably know pretty much where they are in the menu structure) . LOW PRIORITY

*????*prepare a replacement paragraph for here before clearing all text under the edit line. think it should consist of two or three links to pages. one page will be for casual visitors. another will be for contributors. last will be for those registered on the old site (so they can be told about password changes etc). probably store these pages in  About us

*JOB-DONE* Will be swapping notes on these remaing jobs with Bob Plimmer on Friday 24th. then will continue work spasmodically, probably starting 25th until 26th midnight deadline. all should be OK by deadline, probably well before. jobs will be flagged on this page when done

*JOB-DONE* These categories deleted after looking at category listing and at Site Map: testing,  testingplease delete, another level down

*????*The “About” category will need to be repopulated with posts from the sub-category “About-Legacy”. This task needs to be done before or soon after the relaunch of this new WordPress based site. When doing this it will be necessary to decide for each legacy item where it should go if its not going directly into “About”.

*JOB-DONE*find a new default Wickford icon for new subjects and articles and replace the default one (current default is in Media. Rename default to someting else, like default-old, and then reload a new default. Use the old default image dimensions for the new one). This is done and CS have since replaced the standard default. I have put up a standby coloured icon that can be used for posts that are unsuitable for the standard icon (have pics) but where the pics are misshapen etc and unsuitable for an icon

*????*etc etc, then the very last job below

*????*do a last check on the site. don’t forget to look at things like ‘About us’ and particularly ‘New contributions’ where there are some test postings . then clear the residual text on this page and click Update for the last time. if suitable email CS to say all is OK and they can go ahead



This (add pages to the site) is the clickable “button” Phil put on the Laindon home page: its a standard call to a hidden CSS element plus a link to where you want to go. The button is on all sites and is coloured in that site’s livery. Open up this page in Text view to see the code. Note that if a copy of this code is to be put in another page that page MUST be set to text view before the code is pasted in (if not the special bracketed characters etc will be translated out into their ASCII equivalents). Put a few spaces after “If you would like to” to keep the text away from the box edge – I used several “nobreakspace” characters but they were wiped on view but one space remained. Tried again with one soft space which was honoured.

If you would like to add pages to the site

This (steam locomotive plus men) is a clickable image with alt text added (alt text useful to show what the image is and, maybe also that it is clickable.  The target tested here is just the Home page. Clicking opens up a new tab if target =”_blank”. No new tab if target=””. The tag rel=”noopener” is a security addition when using target =”_blank”. Home page is index.php if full URL is not specied (locally referenced), otherwise it is the site full address. This needs more investigation – when you click on the image it can be edited. Some options on the edit panel appear to suggest that clickability and addition of alt text can be added at this editing stage. If so there is no need to get people to paste in HTML code as described above.

legacy paragraph put here a week ago … Bob Stephen: this site will replace the old one on 27th November 2017. The old one will then be kept alive for several months for backcheck purposes etc.  We cannot satisfactorily see exactly what new and existing users will see (or will have to do) until we go live. I am therefore suggesting that the very first thing to be done on the live site is to carefully check that the above text is helpful and fully consistent and to alter it if not (this to be done by using the site as a new and as an existing user).  I have suggested elsewhere in SEECAN that we might consider sending out an email to existing users before launch which might not be a bad idea: however, if thought desirable, such an email might better go out just after launch on the 27th when everything has been fully checked out.

Editing an article: If you have an article requiring custom image  settings and are converting one from the old site note that the image order at the bottom of the page in the list of images is not necessarily the same as in the old article. I found that noting the Media Library location for these on a piece of paper could be a waste of time. My eventual method was to run two screens and to look on the old screen for the next image or image set. Then to go to the new site on the second screen and find the LIbrary address or addresses of the image (or image group) and finally to insert them. Obviously from now on there will be no more problems like this!

How to setup Featured articles: 1.Search for article  2.Copy URL into clipboard (CtrlC)  3.Edit post and find image files, click pencil and note just the image name on a piece of paper  4.Go back to Promo  5.Type in title (it doesn’t have to be exactly that on post)  6.Click ‘HIde Post in New’ and click ‘Publish as Article’  7.Go down to set featured image  8.Click on it and then search the Media Library using the image name (3 above)   9.Set image  10.Paste URL into redirect field (CtrlV) 11.Publish

SCROLLING BANNERS:  misc notes : These scrolling banners display in number order up to a maximum of 5. It is necessary to number them to control the display order, otherwise the order will be alphabetic. Spare banners are in the Media Library (there are 10 in total). Image changes can be made from the Library – just add a new image row to the relevant banner page and then delete the existing image row. Display order changes can be made by renumbering the banner pages. Don’t forget to Update and then to refresh your browser to make sure your changes are as desired.  The banner gallery is in a hidden category at the bottom of the category structure. It should not be necessary to touch this. If you want fewer than 5 images to rotate then delete one or more of the banner pages: other tunes can probably be played. Complications: I’ve just been thinking about what will happen if changes are made. Display order change is no problem. Banner change on a page could be a serious problem as the image and comments can easily get divorced.  In the latter situation we will need a system that keeps pages and comments together – maybe have a reserve of pages and linked images that always stay together and are brought forward to feature together from time to time. Managing it might be problematic. Needs a bit of thought. In the meantime don’t change anything other than the display order, by a simple edit of the number appearing in the post title.



This website is a developing collection of memories, photographs, stories and comments, forming the community history of Wickford – the town and its surrounding areas. In ‘Wickford’ we include Runwell, Battlesbridge, Shotgate, Rawreth, North Benfleet, Crays Hill, Downham and the Ramsdens – the boundaries are very flexible. You are invited to explore this history and to add to it.

Although this site looks slightly different from the previous one, all the existing pages and comments are still here. Find out more here about how to contribute to the new website.

N.B. If you log-in, you will be asked to choose a new password. This will only apply if you have previously registered on the site. Our email address is unchanged:




Last work on 26/11/17 22:00 finish: Bob Plimmer pointed out some problmes with headers in two sub- categories (Contribute/Get involved) and Contact us/ Contact us). These headers and clickable but go to the wrong place or nowhere. I fixed both but in doing so lost Contribute from the top bar. This needs repinning by CS. Email will be now sent to Ian Grant.

Evening work on 26/11/17 from 19:45: Removed all items in ‘About us – legacy’ that were in other places (Accountability, Legal and Technical, Terms of Use, Privacy and Cookies, Contact us). Then moved all items in Legacy to ‘About us’. Changed icon for Wickford Archive as it was very faint, used a coloured default icon. Finally deleted the category ‘About us – legacy’. Got rid of two video pages – Flood Town Protests and video about using the site. Neither of these were usable (obsolete video format) – if necessary they should be redone and accessed via a YouTube upload.

Afternoon work on 26/11/17. There are several posts I cannot do at the moment – waiting for BMP replacements etc. All the posts in the line below are done. Rest are problematic – they have been left flagged in Posts/Keywords. Viscardini is quite nice as it shows the different basic placement procedures (right, left, centered, or no alignment, with text then either flowing around the images or blocked). My inclination when setting images was to use Full Size on all occasions for simplicity – this may have been an overkill.

cricket  /  fairey  /  viscardini  / runwell

lorraine taylor and  north benfleet are BMP problem articles – images can be inserted using custom view but when I initially looked at the articles there were no images displayed even though the image list at the bottom of each was populated. I therefore left the existing posts in place and left the CS problem post keywords intact. There was no point in proceeding!

Other funny one is about_us. I looked at this before and put on a featured icon. Will leave it as it is. The item is a category but has the appearance of a post when you edit it. It came up on the keyword list and I’ve left it there. CS to advise

obscure things to be removed before launch: one link on banner1 page etc. I should note these things on activity log if got time so they don’t get missed. Some may slip past and probably no matter. CS is pretty good at picking up serious anomalies in its review of the site before launch

****************various notes******************

****end of post, old rambling area follows probably for edit/throwing, and any residue destined for support area****

What follows is old and sometimes rambling draft material – for deletion or removal to archive area


Since you were last on the site you have changed your email address. This is only a problem if you want to maintain close contact with your existing material (to have it on your list of contributions after you login). To mainatin close contact what you must do is:

  1. Contact us for assistance and we will replace your old email address by the new one – email us your name, and username if possible, or give use something that will allow us to trace you on the previous site like one of your articles. When we have replaced your email address we will also give you a provisional password (which will be your new username) the site will automatically send you a change notification of your new address in an email and another notification about your new password. These notifications will contain in their headers your new username – which will also be your new provisional password.
  2.  After you have successfully logged in with your new details (new username and new password will do) we can then migrate all your existing articles  to your new persona. Once this is done we will delete your old details which will release them from the system.

If you are not fussed to continue as the same registered user then just register as a new user following the “register” link at the top of the Home Page. But please note that you will have to be given a username that is not already on the system and an email address that is not on the system. The consequence of this is that you will not be able to have all your posts on the site ‘under one roof’. And, importantly, you will have to supply an alternative email address: which may not appeal to you if  you don’t have multiple email addresses. In that situation – you don’t have a different email address to the one already registered with us – then you will need to follow the advice in the previous paragraph or continue with us as an unregistered user.

FOOTNOTE: Neither ourselves or yourself can ever change a username once allocated – only email addresses and passwords can be changed.

BOB 3 note to himself: if a user really wants to keep his old username and associate all his articles with it then he will need to: 1. register as a new user; 2. tell us his new details and his old details; 3. ask us to migrate one to the other. 4. we can do this by a transfer of posts to a dummy user; 5. then a deletion of the old username/email combination, 6. then a creation of a new account with the desired uwsername and new emal addresss; 7. transfer of material from the dummy user to the new user account.


Whether this is a sensible thing to do or not is debatable – it would seem sufficient to get new email user to register as a new user and then merely to migrate his old stuff to this new username persona. Going futrther is laborious.

Old account A: Old email / Old username (A has material)

New account B: New email /  New username (system generated and has to be different to 1) (B has no material)

Migrate material from A to B, then delete A (optional but a tidying up operation).


Up to this point is all that is needed to give user a new account with all their material – just that the username will be a bit different – ststem will have given a slightly different username.


All the rest below is needed to recreate the exact users old username …


Obligitary deletion of A to release the username (actually the email address and username but we really want the username released). Latter step is optional but sensible. (B now has material)

New temporary account C created: new email temp / new username temp (these can be anything but account must be empty and account details must be viable, ie don’t already occur on system)

Migrate B to C:   (C now has material). Delete B, thus now releasing new email address

Now we have got both the old username and the new email addresse released.

Create a new account D with the old username and the new email addresse.

Migrate C to D and delete C. (D now has material). Done.

BOBS 1 note to himself: if we delete a user is their username and email address still available for registration or does the system keep this information on a permanent blocking list? No it doesn’t – system clears email and username.

BOBS 2 note to himself which is here temporarily until above back link is activated and validated:  All text to go into above link and email information both from the user and the site are in the desktop txt file “Password last workings”. Make sure nothing is missed:

1. text in above link telling user exactly what to do (a very simple request).

2. email to Wickford telling them what to do to respond to simple request (a very small amount of work)

3. email text that Wickford should then sent back to the user as an email  telling them that the password has changed and what to do next

4. send Wickford a test change from me for my Wickford contributor password

5. be quite careful to make sure the whole procedure is solid before fully activating the link

6. put a “This procedure is currently under test, please DO NOT USE” in its first line until pronounced OK.

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